Engineered Product Manufacturer


Engineered Product Manufacturer


A public traded engineered products manufacturer that places a huge level of emphasis on securing AA players and scalable talent faced the challenge of looking for two General Managers based in Germany.


The organisation had retained two separate businesses on a General Manager search based in Germany, with a third being discussed. The challenges around this search centred around two main areas; firstly, the location was in a remote area of Germany, Zweibrücken, and secondly, this client is unwilling to sacrifice quality, demanding a scalable AA player.

STQ Partners had to utilise the full capability of the Q-Print, this role required the talent pool to be continuously increased, the compensation and benefits to be appealing, a clear insight into the DNA of what an AA player looks like, and what would attract a passive candidate.


A dedicated project team was installed to headhunt across the entirety of Germany and any German speaking countries/candidates.

Two candidates were identified in under three weeks, with the successful candidate coming from a sector that would not normally be a desired target sector, speciality glass. This individual has managed businesses significantly larger than the size of the organisation that the candidate would be managing, so answered the scalability factor.

"I've worked with Sam on various searches for over 4 years. He has been consistently responsive and very supportive in every search. Sam has shown an openness and curiosity to learn more about the business, our priorities, and challenges. He has demonstrated to have a 'good eye for talent'. Sam's drive, flexibility, and commitment has set him apart from most headhunters!"

Mike Fortier - Group Vice President

Engineered Product Manufacturer